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Graduate Medical School Admissions Test

University admission - Australia

The graduate-entry programs provide opportunities for medical, dental, optometry, pharmacy and podiatric medicine training to a wide range of graduates who have made a mature decision to commit to a demanding profession.

By extending the selection to graduates of the humanities and social sciences as well as the physical and biological sciences, it is expected that students with a diverse range of interests, skills and talents will be represented in each school. The programs are open to graduates of any field who are able to meet the selection criteria.

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Application for admission to programs in Australia

Courses requiring GAMSAT

Medical degree 4 year programs

  • Australian National University
  • Deakin University
  • Flinders University
  • Griffith University
  • Macquarie University
  • The University of Melbourne
  • University of Notre Dame Australia (Fremantle and Sydney)
  • The University of Queensland
  • The University of Sydney
  • The University of Western Australia
  • The University of Wollongong

Medical degree 5-6 year programs

The remaining Australian medical schools, not listed above, offer an undergraduate program of five or six years’ duration.

Dental 4 year graduate-entry programs

  • The University of Melbourne
  • The University of Queensland
  • The University of Sydney
  • The University of Western Australia

Optometry 4 year Doctor of Optometry

  • The University of Melbourne

Pharmacy 2 year Master of Pharmacy

  • The University of Sydney

Each of the schools has defined its own goals for the graduate-entry programs; they share features in common but the emphasis differs. All programs aim to build on the diverse interests and talents of the graduates admitted. Graduates of the programs will have the skills and knowledge to practise effectively as medical interns under supervision, or in the case of dental and optometry graduates, to practise effectively as general practitioners, and to develop their careers through subsequent entry into further vocational training. Graduates of the Master of Pharmacy will be able to practise as pharmacists after a compulsory pre- registration period. Graduates of the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine will be able to practise as podiatrists.

In recognition of the fact that medical knowledge continues to expand and that doctors, dentists, pharmacists, podiatrists and optometrists will continue to learn throughout their lives, self-directed learning is a major focus of the graduate-entry programs. Effective communication with patients and colleagues is seen as crucial. Teamwork and an awareness of community concerns are stressed.

Admission to a graduate - entry program

Applicants are selected for admission into the graduate- entry programs on the basis of three criteria. These are:

  • Bachelor degree
  • GAMSAT score
  • Interview

The universities may differ in the weighting of performance on each of the criteria.

Applicants who completed their Bachelor degrees and/or prerequisites more than ten years ago are advised to check their eligibility with their preferred schools before registering for GAMSAT.

Each university may have its own additional admission policies (which may include policies on prior or current studies, enrolment irregularities and/or transfers). To confirm if there are additional policies, contact the schools to which you intend to apply.

lady doctor

Applying for admission

The process of applying for admission to the graduate-entry programs is separate from the process of registering to sit the GAMSAT, and takes place later.

There are two separate steps in the process of application to graduate-entry medicine:

  • Sit the GAMSAT
  • March to May 2025 submit application to applicable educational institution(s)

GEMSAS will process applications for admission to graduate-entry medicine at the GEMPASS Consortium Medical Schools and for the University of Melbourne Dentistry and Optometry programs. The University of Sydney will process applications for medicine, dentistry and pharmacy at the University of Sydney.

The University of Western Australia will process applications for dentistry and podiatric medicine at the University of Western Australia. Flinders University will process applications for medicine at Flinders University.

Timeline for admission to programs in 2025

To apply in 2025 for a program commencing in 2026 ONLY the following GAMSAT results can be used:

  • 2021 September
  • 2022 March & September
  • 2023 March & September
  • 2024 March & September
  • 2025 March 

University applications open

  • March 2025: Dentistry and Podiatric Medicine at The University of Western Australia
  • April/May 2025: The University of Sydney
  • May 2025: GEMSAS and Flinders University
  • August/September: The University of Tasmania

Applicants should consult the GEMSAS website and the schools’ websites for the relevant admissions cycle deadlines, including those for:

  • submission of online application data and supporting documents;
  • release of interview offers by the schools;
  • offers of places by the schools.

These dates will be published online as soon as they become available.

Test takers are responsible for determining their eligibility to apply for admission to the graduate-entry programs.

It is the individual applicant’s responsibility to regularly check the GAMSAT, GEMSAS, University of Sydney, University of Western Australia, University of Tasmania and Flinders University websites for updated information.

Course-specific enquiries

Australian National University


School of Medicine and Psycology
(02) 6125 1304

Deakin University


School of Medicine
(03) 9251 7777 or (03) 9251 7450

Flinders University

1300 354 633 (Option1)

Griffith University


School of Medicine and Dentistry
1800 154 055 or +61 7 5552 8811

Macquarie University

(02) 9850 4538

The University of Melbourne

Future Student Contact
13MELB (13 6352) (within Australia) +61 3 9035 5511 (international)

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences online enquiries

Doctor of Medicine

Doctor of Dental Surgery

Doctor of Optometry

The University of Notre Dame Australia

Medicine (WA)

Prospective Students Office, Fremantle
(08) 9433 0533

The University of Notre Dame Australia

Medicine (NSW)

Prospective Students Office, Sydney
(02) 8204 4404

The University of Queensland

UQ Admissions (admissions information)
(07) 3365 2203


Faculty of Medicine (program information)
(07) 3346 4922

The University of Sydney

Student Centre
1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864) (in Australia)
+61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)




The University of Western Australia

Medicine, Dentistry & Podiatric Medicine

Faculty of Health and Medical Science
(08) 6488 4646/4850 or (08) 6488 4848

The University of Wollongong

Graduate Medicine

Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health
1300 367 869 (within Australia)

University of Tasmania

Doctor of Medicine

13 8827 (13 UTAS)

doctor with a file