Thanks for treating our staff with respect
ACER staff aim to treat everyone with courtesy, respect and integrity and to be sensitive to the diverse needs of all our stakeholders. In turn, we expect everyone contacting ACER to offer our staff the same consideration – as workers and as human beings.
Close this messageWe will do our best to help you in every case, but our staff will not tolerate any rude or aggressive behaviour, including:
If any caller to ACER engages in such behaviour, staff will warn them clearly that the conversation may be terminated. If the caller continues that behaviour regardless, the call may be transferred to a recorded message indicating they have breached ACER’s protocols.
ACER will respond firmly to any similar emails or social media messages, and we will notify police if anyone visiting ACER offices displays the same behaviour.
A guide to using your ACER Account to create and manage your GAMSAT test registration.
To register and sit GAMSAT all test takers must have an ACER account.
Email address requirements
We recommend that you avoid using government or university/school domains as these can block important communications from ACER.
You must click the link in the email to verify your email address and complete your account setup.
To check you have entered a valid email address and that you have access to your account, our system will automatically send you an email.
If you do not receive the verification email, please check your SPAM or junk folder.
Use the "Reset my password" button to send a reset link to your registered email.
Test takers can communicate with the GAMSAT Office through their ACER Account Messaging System.
Once you have created your ACER Account you will have access to the messaging system.
To access 'Messages', log into your ACER User Account and click on the 'Messages' option at the top of the page.